Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Yet another productive day

Well, the day started off with the plan to be productive. I left work, and went straight to my room, where I called my mom for a bit, and then changed to go out to the gym. I spent about an hour at the gerbil gym, and then came to the galley for email and lunch. After lunch I went back to my room to clean up, with the grand plan of heading out to walk to Hut Point.

Instead I fell asleep.

All afternoon. Till after 5pm.

I guess I needed it, cause I'm feeling much better.

My roommate has a mild version of The Crud, and was sent home from work this morning, so she and I decided to skip the galley meal (BBQ spare ribs and some other stuff that didn't really sound all that appetizing) and wait for Burger Bar. Burger Bar is a little place in Gallagher's Pub (the non-smoking bar on station) that is only open certain days a week, and they make made-to-order burgers. It's not that great, very greasy, but it was probably better than the stuff in the galley. I got a bacon cheeseburger, curly fries, and a Coke for $5. Not too shabby, but I'm not sure my digestive system can handle that much grease on a regular basis. Nor can my wallet. After I ate, I played some pool with one of my shift-mates, and then some foosball. All in all a good evening, but now it's late and I need to go to bed. Supposedly I'm going to Scott Base tomorrow night for dinner. I'll find out tomorrow at work, I suppose.

And now, here's a shot from the second floor of the firehouse last night at 11pm, about as close to sunset as I'm going to get for the next few months.


Mom said...

Hi Jennifer, is the department taking you out to Scott base for dinner or are you on your own for the $$.
Very pretty picture. Is that the volcano in the background? Does the sky always look like that at "sunset" or just occasionally. Like the sunsets at home. Sometimes the colors are so beautiful and other times it just gets dark.
Watch that grease!! It's a killer to the system.

Send more pictures........Love Mom

Aunt Linda said...

I would love to have no nights. Think of all the things you could get done. One draw back.... its cold. We always say there are not enough hours in a day. Actually, There have been to many hours in a day for me. I cant WAIT till each day is over. It is another day closer to my death. Just being honest. I miss Don and I feel like I have no purpose.

Off to the vet I go for my most expensive rescue dog I own. She has cost me close to $10,000. She needs her rabies and 2nd lyme vaccine. Stay warm and away from your cruddy roommate.
Love Ya

Aunt Linda said...

Does she answer your questions Kathy? cuz I feel like I am just writing my own story. Never get acknowledged. Don't know if she reads our comments or not.

Mom said...

Hey Linda, Yes,she answers my questions. She answers them in her blog. I asked about the scientist and other things. When we blog her, she gets a notification on her email and reads what we write.

How's the stomach?

I'm ripping out the afghan and starting over with the same pattern only I am going to double the size. It is to small.

Aunt Linda said...

My stomach is fine. I even had more today. All good. I think I had a little bug or something. YOur crazy...I think it looks good. I used the same yarn (worsted weight) and it was very heavy. Its the green one. The one I am doing now is about 12 inches. It goes fast.

Hey Jen
I am having prime rib tonight for dinner and mashed potatoes with lumps (I like lumps)and gravy and brussels sprouts. I guess you wouldn't be interested in ice cream but its chocolate brownie. Yum!! Might as well put one scoop on each ass cheek.

How about you Kath... what are you havin.

Mom said...

I wanted the afghan bigger. The way it was if a person rolled over there would be cotton tail. I did rip it out and doubled it. I am keeping it only 1 strand of yarn.

I had pork roast with a baked potato and mixed veggies which took a long time to steam up smothered in a cheese sauce. Then I topped it off with a piece of chocolate cake with the carmel and white sticky icing. Mine went to my stomach. As you all know, it's just not big enough.

He Jennifer, Did you ever get over to Scott base?

Love Mom

Melissa said...

You guys are funny :) I bet Jennie feels like she didnt go anywhere. She is right in on ALL types of converstation.

Getting ready for the big bash on Sat. Weather is suppose to be nice....after the severe thunderstorms on friday night.

We finished staining the deck...and its its really slippery in the morning. Its like your ice skating. So Im hoping the morning dew dries before people start coming.

Today is employee appreciation day at Rob's work. They are having surf and turf....but you have to pay $7 for it. You would think that on employee appreciation day they would just have it for free! Plus Im guessing surf and turf from the caf isnt to great! I thought that was funny!

Anyway....just cleaning away....gotta run! Hows the skin?

Love ya, Melissa

Mom said...

Hey Jennifer, Dennis (from work) wants to know if the ham radio station is still up and working. He is a ham radio operator and could be in contact with them if it is, depending on the sun spots.(whatever)

Mom said...

See you Saturday Melissa