Saturday, December 15, 2007

Pressure Ridge Tour

I went on a tour of the pressure ridges today. For those of you who came late to this party (or just forgot and don't want to search back through all my posts to remember), pressure ridges are chunks of ice forced upwards due to the pressure between the permanent ice shelf (basically the glacier that is over water) and the annual sea ice. The movement of the glacier outwards, and the movement inwards of the sea ice from tides forces the ice together and the pressure is relieved by the huge chunks being pushed upwards.

I can't begin to tell you how amazing it was to walk around in there and see how powerful a little bit of water can be. It's truly incredible to see, and the pictures don't do it nearly enough justice. Due to the dangers of straying off the beaten path (crevasses and soft spots and such can be around, and the beaten path is repeatedly tested to make sure it's ok), I couldn't get close enough to the bigger ridges to truly show the scale of just how huge these things are. But these should be enough.

I also transferred a couple of the shots to black and white. Those look awesome. I've put them on my Picasa website as well (I linked to that yesterday), so you can check them out there too.


Faye said...

He Jennifer really like the pictures but not sure I will check out all 572 pictures It just looks too cold there. when it is cold I just hate to go outside
I was wondering if people live there year round since you have mentioned there are instructors there do they never leave?

Mom said...

Hi Jennifer, I went through your pictures. Thank goodness for slideshow. I recognize some of the pictures that you already posted. The new ones are quite impressive. Was there a chance that you could have fallen in some water? Where was your coat by the way? It is snowing again here. It's only 28 degrees. Last night it started as sleet then changed to freezing rain in the morning and now is snowing. I need to move south!! I have not even gone out to get the paper today. It is just too cold. I wish Lizzie would do it for me but she only brings part of the paper and then shreds it. It's a lost cause.
Have fun, stay warm and put your coat on!!

Love Mom

Aunt Linda said...


Leslie said...

Hey Jen, great pictures, although I haven't had time to view the Picaso website yet :D I will, though! You mentioned that it is above freezing now. How warm will it eventually get? Guess I don't need to tell you to "keep warm" since you're wearing short sleeves outside . . .

Take care! Love, Leslie
Oh, Kathy - if you want to move to where you won't get snow . . . move here . . . we just get rain :(